All personally identifying information on this site discovered utilizing resources readily available to the general public. All publicly-obtainable court documents, media reports, and any content of similar nature, provided herein or linked to were pre-published elsewhere by parties other than myself. General images along with my personal photographs are garnered via publicly accessible sources through legal means. The purpose for republishing or otherwise publicizing the information is simply to support the content contained herein.


But I Digress

Appears Albemarle County Officer Eric Kudro has landed Andrew Sneathern as an attorney to defend the reckless driving charge he’s facing. Mr. Kudro’s 05/28/2010 court date has been continued to 07/19/2010 at 10:00AM.

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For four months I’ve tried to snap a picture of a certain policeman. I’ve been to courthouses on days he’s scheduled. I’ve been to calls he’s dispatched to. I’ve canvassed his patrol zone. I’ve had his cruiser under surveillance. Four months! No picture. It’s not even about the officer anymore; I swore Fate will not win this one. Out of nowhere, the man writes me -- a nothing-ish, but nice, letter. Now what’s running through my head is that he doesn’t know any of this stuff and, if he catches me at this point, he’s going to think I’ve targeted him because he contacted me. How rotten will that be? I gotta hand it to Fate, she’s a very good opponent. I’m still gonna beat her.

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Must. Find. Fresh. VSP. Territory. I’m starting to see the same Troopers over and over and over again.

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I’ve been toying with previous entries, as I’ve been known to do on occasion. Replacing or adding links, trading out images, updating information, that sort of thing. I’m curious how much of the site JADE’s rabid watchdogs will re-read before they realize none of these changes have to do with the actual Task Force.

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Charlottesville’s Top Cop T. J. Longo recently tossed a humorous one-liner at me as I walked by him. Have you ever had another person say something to you that you find extremely funny and then later you’ll be out in a public place by yourself and you think of it and it makes you laugh out loud and everyone looks at you as if you’re a lunatic and that just makes you giggle harder? Thanks for causing that to happen to me, you darling witty Police Chief.

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A new correspondent prompted me to wonder: Does my post from yesterday, in fact, imply retribution? Hope not, given that I was expressing ennui. I understand that some folks -- cough cough cops cough cough -- view I HeArTE JADE as vindictive, but, come on y’all, if I were going for revenge, blogging -- goofy stories, at that -- is hardly a suitable method.