All personally identifying information on this site discovered utilizing resources readily available to the general public. All publicly-obtainable court documents, media reports, and any content of similar nature, provided herein or linked to were pre-published elsewhere by parties other than myself. General images along with my personal photographs are garnered via publicly accessible sources through legal means. The purpose for republishing or otherwise publicizing the information is simply to support the content contained herein.


Merry Chri... Happy New Ye... Uhm, Great Sunday?

In December I’d expected to hit 500 entries before the end of 2010


Plus I was going to let one of my favorite Albemarle County Police Officers, Eric Kudro, wish all my readers a Merry Christmas


Then I had a pile of photographs, that ever-so-neatly avoided violating the conditions, prepared to accompany a prospective mainstream news story about a bust by Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement (JADE) Task Force


And naturally I planned on posting a facetious snippet, or picture to kick off the new year


The past couple of weeks I’ve been up to my cortex in a confection of necessary business, amazing friends, sexy men, and plenty of a fabulous concoction of Beer, Limes, and Tequila -- mostly set to Drop It Low and parallel lyrical euphonies at an insane eardrum-throbbing volume. What else can I say


Here’s to a wonderful 2011!