All personally identifying information on this site discovered utilizing resources readily available to the general public. All publicly-obtainable court documents, media reports, and any content of similar nature, provided herein or linked to were pre-published elsewhere by parties other than myself. General images along with my personal photographs are garnered via publicly accessible sources through legal means. The purpose for republishing or otherwise publicizing the information is simply to support the content contained herein.


Keyword Activity

In no particular order, these recent terms brought site viewers:
jade task force details
albemarle county officer quillon
mike marshall uva police
da maneira que eu gosto
drug bust keswick 26 robert st
nick rudman charlottesville va
tony gattuso va
37 ford in side sun visor
albemarle co. va.statistics illegal drugs
craig sorokti
Dinwiddie county drug bust
drug raids in charlottesville va.
Ian Diner Meth
intellectual types
jade taskforce
mystatepoliceman.blogspot. com
tavis coffin police officer charlottesville va
triple homicide in greene county
Based on the amount of search hits I get daily on him, there are either an awful lot of Craig Soroktis running around or the Charlottesville guy is one popular fella.

Sometimes I think when it comes to name queries, it’s just the officers looking themselves up.

I’m a little disappointed to find out tony gattuso va ranks a sorry #48 on Google. But that’s probably because I have him on my site as Anthony Gattuso.
Tony Gattuso

Tony Gattuso

Tony Gattuso

Tony Gattuso

Tony Gattuso

Tony Gattuso

There. That oughta fix that, eh?

mystatepoliceman.blogspot. com [sic] is so very specific. I’m elated my newest blog about Richmond Petersburg Virginia State Police Special Agent Anthony (Tony) Gattuso is garnering such explicit attention.

Seeing “intellectual types,” “jade taskforce,” and “drug …” lookups together make me laugh.

I have no idea why I HeArTE JADE would appear as a result for a 37 Ford anything.

My favorite still rocks the search engine wars: