I watch Porn Star implement a U-turn from the curb and fly off in the same direction I followed him previously. This time I’m geared up for him. Already waiting at the edge of the lot, I barely give him time to get by me before I pull out. He, like before, crosses the first two intersections like a just-fired bullet. I, unlike before, do the same to keep up with him.
As we approach the third intersection -- where I lost him last time -- periodic yellow flashes above his bumper denote he intends to go right. Ah, so he does use blinkers. I hardly complete the thought in my brain before he’s practically tipping his Honda up on two wheels making the turn. I watch in astonishment as an Intrepid he’s cut off almost plows into his backside. I see the other driver shaking his head in disbelief as he recovers from the near crash.
It really does crack me up me how crazy Porn Star drives. Plus there’s every indication he seems oblivious to his recklessness and that intrigues me.
The business with the Intrepid screws up my progress. I’m on the same road Porn Star turned on to but don’t see him anywhere. I persevere with the idea that, pleeeease, by pure luck I’ll find him.
Eventually with the addition of an extra lane and roughly a good mile of visibility, I detect a small, definitely blue, automobile in the distance. That’s gotta be him. I speed up.
I change lanes to get by a motorcycle. Just as I start to accelerate, an SUV slingshots out from a left side road and enters my lane. Due to it and the Suzuki, I’m hedged in. Not only is this slowing me down but, reminiscent of the prior incident involving the van, the SUV is blocking my view of Porn Star. Dang it. I can’t lose sight of him. I decide to move back behind the bike. If nothing else I’ll be able to see around him. Right before I reposition myself, thankfully, the behemoth in front of me clears out of my path. The thing is, now there’s no more Porn Star!
Just like that, he’s gone.
I make it up to the junction of I-64 and peer in both east and west directions. Jeez… I can’t just blindly pick a direction of Interstate to go traipsing down. Frustrated, I bang my hands on the steering wheel. I make a U-turn at the next light and, remembering I never did get a map, prepare to wind up lost again.